Nowadays it’s common to see marriages where a woman looks actually more qualified than the husband. We see cases where the woman maintains the family, and the husband just stays at home, incapable of even getting a job. We also see cases of women who are more emotionally developed, having to take care of husbands who are little more than grown-up children, and even cases of women that are better at controlling their senses than their husbands.
Of course, people are free to live in the way they like, but we can see that frequently such unions are usually not very happy. The women are usually not happy to have an unreliable husband that can’t properly take care of the family, and the men are usually also not happy with being relegated to a secondary role. It’s also questionable if such a conflictive situation is favorable for their spiritual advancement.
Apart from the usual astrological matching and other considerations related to the compatibility between the spouses, the Vedas advise marriage between equals. A Brahmana should marry a Brahmini, a Ksatriya a Ksatrini, and so on. This assures the most harmonious situation, where the husband and wife have a similar worldview, share a similar culture, and have similar goals in life.
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