We all understand that we are the soul and not the body. Still, feeling and acting like a soul is not as easy as one may think. Going from a conditioned life to a completely liberated platform, where we completely stop caring about the body, is actually a long way.
Amongst different material activities, there are four that are very difficult to give up: eating tasty foods, sleeping, defending ourselves and our social position, and having sex life.
The first two are kind of straightforward in Krsna Consciousness: although there is a general recommendation we should try to reduce our eating and sleeping, there is no prohibition. One may very well eat as much prasadam as he wants, and sleep as much as necessary to keep his mind in order.
We also understand that excessive defense is counterproductive to spiritual life and that we should as far as possible depend on Krsna, but again there is no prohibition: one may also defend himself as he sees fit, just avoiding excesses.
In this way, we can see that there is no great difficulty harmonizing these three activities with Krsna Consciousness. We understand that the goal is to gradually minimize these propensities, but one may do this at his own pace, progressing during his or her life.
The greatest problem is sex life. Not only it’s the hardest to give up, but also the point where there are the most serious restrictions. This combination of strong desire and restrictions historically led to many problems, including celibates getting involved in sexual scandals, married men and women getting involved in extramarital affairs, divorces, and so on.
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