Depression and suicide are a problem not only in the general society but also amongst devotees. Although we have the opportunity of practicing Krsna Consciousness and having relationships with self-realized souls, we are still not free from the influence of the three modes.
One may have difficulties in his or her marriage, difficulties with other family members, traumas from the past that are difficult to heal, difficulties in spiritual life, difficulties in dealing with fellow devotees who may act in hostile or envious ways, and so on. The list can quickly become extensive.
What can we do in this situation? What to do if someone is pained enough to take his own life? What to do if we find ourselves in this situation at some point?
True friends are our first line of defense. Is there are anyone who we really consider a well-wisher? Someone we can open our heart without fear? Someone who can hear us without being judgemental? If such a person exists, he or she is the best candidate to ask for help during difficult times. If not, it may be just the case of looking around: we have some very amazing people in our movement.
If everything else fails, there is something that can be tried as a last resort: Long fasting can lead to miraculous healing. On the other hand, food (especially sugar and starches) can exacerbate symptoms of depression. When we feel depressed frequently our first reaction is to eat sweets, but in most cases this just makes us feel worse. Fasting on the other hand leads to physical and mental healing. It can help one to find his own answers, with help from the Supersoul.
One can just stop eating and spend a few days doing whatever can keep his mind distracted. As the day passes, the depression will reduce and the emotional wounds start to heal. When one is ready he can start eating again and resume his life with new perspectives.
Depression can also lead to deep philosophical introspection. Even books and classes that we already heard before can bring much deeper realization when we hear at a time of healing. Devotees narrate how reading the same verses and purports from Prabhupada’s books would bring them much deeper realizations when read again in a dificult time.