The 10 topics of the Srimad Bhagavatam

The last chapter of the second canto of Srimad Bhagavatam is called “Bhāgavatam Is the Answer to All Questions”.

This chapter is called like this because in this chapter Sukadeva Goswami expands the meaning of the four original verses of the Srimad Bhagavatam and shows how they answer all the remaining answers of Maharaja Pariksit.

Although there are just four verses in the chatuh-sloki, they present ten separate topics, which are described in each of the 12 cantos of the Srimad Bhagavatam in different levels of detail. These ten topics may not be obvious in the text, but when the four verses are fully understood, all the ten topics become apparent.

1- The creation of the universe (sarga)

This topic includes the creation of the material elements, including the five elements (fire, water, earth, air, and ether), sound, form, taste, smell, touch, and the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin, and mind. This is called sarga, or the primary creation.

Originally, the pradhana includes the non-differentiated material elements and the three modes of nature in an unmanifested form. After Lord Maha-Vishnu impregnates it with Kala, the time energy, there is interaction between these, creating all the other material elements in succession. This work is done by the Lord Himself, before the birth of Brahma. This process of sarga, or primary creation, is done only two times during the universe’s existence: at the beginning of Brahma’s life and on the first day of the second half of his life.

2- Subcreation (visarga)

The subcreation, or secondary creation includes the work performed by Lord Brahma in creating the different planets and other structures of the universe, as well as its first inhabitants. This is called the secondary creation because Brahma creates on top of the work done by the Lord in the previous process. Brahma also receives all the knowledge necessary to create the universe from the Lord, building according to instructions given by Him. The Lord is thus the primary creator, and Brahma is the secondary creator.

3- The planetary systems (sthitir)

This is the discussion about the proper situation for the living entities living on the different planets of the universe, which is to obey the laws of the Lord and be in perfect peace of mind under the protection of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

The conditioned souls who are illusioned by the external energy and take this material creation as the place for the satisfaction of selfish desires, remain in this material world, living under the material laws, and reaping the good and bad results of their actions.

4- Protection by the Lord (posanam)

The jivas are called the marginal energy of the Lord because they have free will. They can choose between serving the Lord or trying to be separate enjoyers of the material energy. When one wants to challenge the supremacy of the Lord, he lives under karma and the different material laws, but when a soul desires to surrender, the Lord helps him in all possible ways, so he can go back to his constitutional position, back home, back to Godhead.

5- The creative impetus (utayah)

The impetus for activity is the desire for fruitive work that binds us to this world. It can be counteracted by the practice of Krsna Consciousness, as the Lord instructed Brahma.

6- The change of Manus (manvantara)

There are 14 manus in a day of Brahma, the first of which is Svāyambhuva Manu, whose activities will be narrated in the third canto. Other manus are (2) Svarocisa, (3) Uttama, (4) Tamasa, (5) Raivata, (6) Caksusa, (7) Vaivasvata, (8) Savarni, (9) Daksasavarni, (10) Brahma-savarni, (11) Dharma-savarni, (12) Rudra-savarni, (13) Deva-savarni and (14) Indra-savarni. We are currently in the reign of the 7th Manu.

Most of the events described in the Srimad Bhagavatam happened during the reign on the 1st and 6th manus, as well as recently in the 7th manu. The main reason for that is the pastime of Daksa offending Lord Shiva described in the 4th canto. After being killed and then revived with the head of a goat, Daksa stopped his duties as a Prajapati and went to perform austerities for a long time to become purified from his offenses and achieve a new birth. He got the goat’s head in the first manvantara and took a new birth only on the 6th. Because Daksa is the main progenitor, this delayed the process of populating the universe.

The names of the manus mentioned in the Bhagavatam are posts that are occupied by different personalities, just like the names of demigods, such as Indra, Surya, etc. The main duty of the Manus is to give sad-dharma, good guidance for human beings, who can take advantage of the scriptures to achieve the ultimate goal of life.

7- The Science of God (isa-anukathah)

This topic includes the incarnations of the Lord and His different pastimes, alongside the activities of His great devotees. Both the Lord and His devotees descend to various planets in the material world to save the conditioned souls. Hearing about these pastimes can gradually attract us back to the spiritual platform.

8- Winding up of the cosmic manifestation (niridhah)

At every cycle of creation of the universe, just a small number of souls go back to Godhead. The ones who remain forgetful of their relationship with the Lord merge back to the body of Lord Maha-Vishnu after the destruction of the universe, where they sleep until the beginning of the next creation.

9- Liberation (mukti)

The promotion of the celestial planets is a temporary situation. After one’s pious credits are exhausted, one has to come back. Liberation however is a permanent situation. When a soul is able to leave both the gross and subtle body and attain the spiritual planets, there is no need to come back ever.

10- The summum bonum (asraya)

Krsna is the original source of all energies, the summum bonum. The Absolute Truth has three aspects: Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavam. As already explained, Bhagavatam is the supreme aspect, and even amongst the different expansions and incarnations of the Lord, Krsna is the last word. He is the original candle that ignited all the other candles. He is the supreme shelter. All the other nine aspects have the goal of simply illuminating this 10th topic.