Suta Goswami had many special characteristics that made him qualified to speak the Srimad Bhagavatam. We may never become so qualified as him, but by hearing about his characteristics we can learn how to improve in our own spiritual practice.

He is described as:
- Free from all vice.
- Well-versed in all the scriptures, having studied and explained them many times.
- The most senior learned Vedāntist.
- Acquainted with the knowledge of Vyāsadeva, blessed by Balarama and his spiritual masters.
- Became qualified by submissively hearing from his spiritual masters.
“The sages said: Respected Sūta Gosvāmī, you are completely free from all vice. You are well versed in all the scriptures famous for religious life, and in the Purāṇas and the histories as well, for you have gone through them under proper guidance and have also explained them. Being the eldest learned Vedāntist, O Sūta Gosvāmī, you are acquainted with the knowledge of Vyāsadeva, who is the incarnation of Godhead, and you also know other sages who are fully versed in all kinds of physical and metaphysical knowledge. And because you are submissive, your spiritual masters have endowed you with all the favors bestowed upon a gentle disciple. Therefore you can tell us all that you have scientifically learned from them.” (SB 1.1.6-8)
In his purport, Srila Prabhupada emphasized the importance of hearing the scriptures from advanced devotees. Although reading is essential, hearing has a special quality:
“To hear and explain them is more important than reading them. One can assimilate the knowledge of the revealed scriptures only by hearing and explaining. Hearing is called śravaṇa, and explaining is called kīrtana. The two processes of śravaṇa and kīrtana are of primary importance to progressive spiritual life. Only one who has properly grasped the transcendental knowledge from the right source by submissive hearing can properly explain the subject.” (SB 1.1.6)
When hearing, another quality is important: one needs to be submissive. Being submissive does not mean being fanatical and accepting everything blindly, but it means valuing the knowledge we are receiving, and understanding that the Srimad Bhagavatam brings perfect knowledge. One has to study the Srimad Bhagavatam starting from the idea that everything that contains transcendental knowledge and everything the book mentions is correct. It’s our understanding that needs to be adjusted to fit this knowledge and not the opposite.
Srila Prabhupada gives the example of cow dung. Although cow dung is the stool of an animal, it is described in the scriptures as pure. It may sound illogical at first, but when we bring it to the laboratory we can observe that it has antiseptic qualities. Cow dung kills bacteria, and can thus be used as a disinfectant agent. In India, cow dung is often used to clean floors and kitchen utensils instead of detergents. It may sound difficult to believe at first, but in the end, the knowledge is proved correct.
Similarly, the Bhagavatam includes many details about the universe and its history, as well as the activities of many great personalities, which may sound fictitious at first, but that are proven correct as we advance in our understanding.
When we start from the principle that all information contained in the text is correct we will have sufficient humility to change our points of view and thus gradually understand the text. If however, we start from the principle that whatever we know is correct and the Bhagavatam is mythology, we will fail in our study.
Apart from being free from vices and knowledgeable in the scriptures, having both learned the scriptures and explained them many times, Suta Goswami was blessed by his spiritual masters, for being a submissive and qualified student. The blessings of senior persons are another factor that is extremely important in our spiritual life since they make us qualified to understand spiritual knowledge.