Today is Gaura Purnima. On this same day, 535 years ago, Lord Caitanya appeared on this planet, during a lunar eclipse. In Vedic culture, eclipses are generally considered very inauspicious periods, where accidents and all types of misfortunes can appear. To protect themselves against this influence, pious persons go to the Ganges and recite the maha-mantra or other prayers. It’s mentioned that: “Om apavitrah pavitro va sarva-avasthaam gato-pi va yah smaret-pundarikaksam sa baahya-abhyantarah shucih”, something may be pure or impure, auspicious or inauspicious, but when Lord Vishnu is remembered, everything becomes pure and auspicious. In this way, due to the chanting, the inauspicious situation became actually the most auspicious and the Lord took the opportunity to appear in this world.

Similarly, we live now in a dangerous period, with rampant disease, international tensions, wars, famines, and anxiety, but if we chant the holy names with faith, this inauspicious time can actually become the most auspicious and lead to a new era of world-wide spiritual awakening.
Lord Caitanya originally appeared in the mind of Jagannath Mishra and then in his heart. When Jagannath Mishra initiated Sacidevi in the chanting of the holy-names, Lord Caitanya was transferred to her heart and from there to her womb. It was thus an immaculate conception without physical contact, just like when Krsna Himself appeared.
Apart from all spiritual significance, the appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu symbolizes the victory of light over darkness. Appearing during an externally inauspicious moment, he showed how even the darkest situations can be transformed in the most auspicious circumstances simply by remembering Krsna. Because of Him, the dark age of Kali-yuga became the most auspicious period, where for a limited span of time everyone can quickly advance simply by accepting the holy names of Krsna. It’s mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam how even demigods and enlightened souls from the previous age desire to take birth in our times in order to participate in the sankirtan movement inaugurated by Mahaprabhu:
“Those who are actually advanced in knowledge are able to appreciate the essential value of this Age of Kali. Such enlightened persons worship Kali-yuga because in this fallen age all perfection of life can easily be achieved by the performance of sankirtana.” ( SB 11.5.36)
“Indeed, there is no higher possible gain for embodied souls forced to wander throughout the material world than the Supreme Lord’s sankirtana movement, by which one can attain the supreme peace and free oneself from the cycle of repeated birth and death.” (SB 11.5.37)
“My dear King, the inhabitants of Satya-yuga and other ages eagerly desire to take birth in this Age of Kali, since in this age there will be many devotees of the Supreme Lord, Narayana.” (ŚB 11.5.38)
However, the movement of Mahaprabhu didn’t start overnight. Before the appearance of Mahaprabhu, a succession of powerful acaryas came to gradually elevate humanity, to the point they could accept the chanting of the holy names.
In the first canto of Srimad Bhagavatam we hear the story of how Kali-yuga started: after the disappearance of Krsna, the Pandavas decided to retire and left Paraksit Maharaja, the last descendent of the Kuru dynasty with the responsibility of maintaining religious principles. Pariksit Maharaja was such a powerful king that he could defeat Kali himself and keep his dark influence over control. However, when he was later cursed by the brahmin boy and left his body on the banks of the Ganges (after hearing Srimad Bhagavatam), Kali had the opportunity to prosper.
Due to the influence of Kali-yuga, Vedic culture was quickly destroyed. Taking advantage of the blessing of Krsna, demons from the lower planets took birth in brahminical families and destroyed the culture from inside. People became so degraded that they started killing animals wholesale for the meat, using the religious sacrifices prescribed in the Vedas as an excuse. In such a degraded situation, Lord Buddha, an empowered incarnation, appeared to teach non-violence and meditation. People argued using passages from the Vedas, and therefore Lord Buddha rejected the Vedas. The last vestiges of the original Vedic tradition were thus practically destroyed, but Lord Buddha attained his goal of teaching ahinsa.
Later, Lord Shiva came as Lord Sankaracarya. Understanding the mentality of people he taught them impersonalist philosophy and renunciation. People misunderstood him and a twisted version of his teachings emerged in the form of the mayavada philosophy, but Sri Sankaracarya attained his goal of re-establishing the authority of the Vedas, putting people back on the right path. Building on the foundation of non-violence created by Lord Buddha, he was able to reintroduce the proper understanding of the Vedic literature, creating the basis for further advancement.
Later, Madhvacarya came, establishing personalism in the form of the dvaita-dvaita-vada philosophy, which explains the supremacy of Krsna, the relationship of the conditioned souls with Him, and establishes devotional service to Him (and not impersonal liberation) as the ultimate goal.
Madhvacarya became the Head of our sampradaya. All that came after was built on top of the strong philosophical basis created by Him. It’s due to his extensive contribution that we are called the “Gaudiya-Madhva sampradaya”. He was followed by a succession of powerful acaryas who build on this foundation, revealing progressive higher levels of spiritual understanding.
Now there was the proper philosophy, there were rituals and the whole process of sadhana-bhakti was established, However, something was still missing: pure love of Godhead. When the foundation was ready, it came through Madavendra Puri, who was the first acarya of our times to reveal this ultimate goal. He was the spiritual master of Srila Advaita Acarya, Lord Nityananda, and many other associates of Mahaprabhu, including Isvara Puri, who played the role of Lord Caitanya’s spiritual master.
By this time, everything was ready: the mature fruit of this succession of powerful acaryas, Krsna Prema, was available, but still not many were accepting it. Seeing this unfortunate situation, Srila Advaita Acarya started this powerful worship with the goal of bringing the Lord Himself, so the fruit could be distributed. Finally, Krsna Himself came as Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and broke open the doors of the storehouse of love for Krsna. Srila Prabhupada, in turn, took charge is spreading the goods through the whole world, and that’s how they became available to us.
One who feels grateful for this great gift can repay the favor by spreading it to others, so the prophecy of Mahaprabhu that the whole world will become Krsna Consciouss can finally manifest. Let’s not miss this opportunity.